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Summer Series 2024 Schedule

  1. June 5 - I was baptized as a baby, isn't that enough? - Nathan Peeler
  2. June 12 - Why be part of a church, can't I just worship God in the woods or at home? - Ken Weliever
  3. June 19 - I'm a good person, why do I need to be a Christian? - Nathan Caldwell
  4. June 26 - What is repentance, and how do you do it? - Dwayne Gandy
  5. July 3 - Why does it matter what I believe, as long as I'm sincere? - Jeff Carr
  6. July 10 - What is sin and why is it wrong? - J.P. Flores
  7. July 17 - How can you be so narrow-minded as to think Christianity is the only way to God? - Marion Otvos
  8. July 24 - What will happen at the end of time and when will it be? - Jason Dickey
  9. July 31 - Why are there so many churches? - Ryan Hart
  10. August 7 - Do I have to be baptized to be saved? - Ralph Walker
  11. August 14 - If two people love each other, what's wrong with homosexuality? - Chris Simmons
  12. August 21 - Where did satan come from...did God create evil? - Dan Chaney
  13. August 28 - If God is loving & powerful, why do bad things happen to good people? - Don Truex